Annual Meeting minutes, 2017-10-19

Plone Foundation AGM Notes, Oct 19, 2017

At the

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, in Barcelona

Notes by T. Kim Nguyen

Members of the Board present: Paul Roeland, Philip Bauer, Alexander Loechel, Victor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen (unable to attend in person: Chrissy Wainwright and Carol Ganz)

Paul Roeland led the proceedings. He started by thanking the two Plone Foundation ambassadors who were present at the meeting, Manabu Terada and David Bain.

Paul read the Board’s report to the membership.

Paul summarized the financial report, with discussion of marketing spending and the need for more sponsorships.

For the board elections, we received exactly seven nominations for the seven positions, so there will be no vote this year. The nominations were for the seven 2016-17 members of the board: Paul Roeland, Philip Bauer, Alexander Loechel, Victor Fernández de Alba, Kim Nguyen, Chrissy Wainwright and Carol Ganz.

Érico Andrei moved to accept the seven nominated members to the board. Maurits Van Rees seconded. Abstentions: Alexander Loechel, Philip Bauer. Motion passes.

Érico asked if the Foundation can accept Bitcoin donations.

  Answer: at the moment, we can't.

Matthew Wilkes asked if the Foundation has a green policy? Paul answered that we have one only for conferences.

Paul discussed the opening up the Foundation to family and friends: Guillotina, Pyramid, and the Zope Foundation.

Alexander moved to adjourn. Fred Van Dijk seconded. Motion passed. AGM 2017 was adjourned.