Team meeting notes August 30th 2023

Present: Maik, Fred, Jens, Maurits, Steve

  • Plone 6.1, what do we want to improve Classic-UI related?
    • Maik: Look at default image sizes, we now only have three and small is not really small. It doesn't show the flexibility of the new sizees and responsive configuration
    • Resource registry conditions: conditions do not work yet, there is a bug to be resolved.

Art Sprint recap

What was done at the Arts Print in Vienna, held from 10-10th of July 2023? Sprint document: See:

Blog post/recap from the sprint as a News Item on is still in the works

Other news/info from people:

  • Fred: We have created some new collective add'ons for a project:
    • collective.mosaicpage , have a separate content type for mosaic layouts instead of activating it on pages and/or folders: clearer permissions possible
    • collective.abovecontenttitleportlets and collective.belowcontentportlets . Small add'ons for specif portletmanager locations. Products.Contentwellportlets is a nice example, but creates 10+ slots, not usable.
  • Steve: update. If you use RTD, you need to upgrade before mid-September. For an example, see

Other non code/functionality area's we can focus on for PLone 6.1

  • Documentation still has many holes/missing chapters
  • Use plone.distributions to create a better classic-UI demo for . It should be

RTD Update